This network graph plots co-occurrences of the names of organizations and individuals mentioned in incident descriptions published in the TRC Final Report (Volume 7) and a selection of data taken from Infocomm, a database of incident descriptions compiled by TRC statement-takers. A co-occurrence is defined as the presence of the names of one or more individuals or organizations in a single incident description. The following example illustrates co-occurrence: "John Doe, an ANC member, was taken into custody and beaten severely by members of the Transkei Police on 11 September 1985. He was then transferred to the custody of the Security Police along with his sister Jane Doe." In this example, lines, or edges, would be drawn between points, or nodes, labelled 'John Doe', 'ANC', 'Transkei Police', 'Security Police' and 'Jane Doe'. The co-occurrence of two entities should not be interpreted as indicating membership in or complicity with any organization or act, or as an indication of the guilt or innocence of any particular party. This tool is provided to facilitate further qualitative research by rendering broad patterns visible in ways that might not be apparent in close reading of individual incident descriptions.